Dan R Matthews'
Dan R Matthews, The Scientist
"There Is Only ONE Universal Law
Learn How to Use It
to Achieve Success"
Dan is an expert in the Natural and Universal Laws. He holds BA degrees in Physics, with a focus on Optics, Electromagnetic fields, Mathematics, and English. He has a Master's degree in Marine Biology. Dan's research work includes Physics, Polymer Chemistry and Ocean Ecology.
One of Dan's 3 published books, Self Help Jesus, was a #1 International Bestseller on Amazon.
For more than 40 years, Dan has studied and taught the Universal Laws of Personal Development as it applies to growth, understanding, relationships, business, and the big questions of life.
Dan works with businesses and individuals around the world, demystifying the Science and Spiritual Connection behind success.
The laws of science and the laws of personal development are in perfect harmony. Dan can teach you how they are connected, how to apply the laws for your growth, and why they always work.
Dan has taught courses for:
Join Dan's Masterclass and fill in the missing pieces so that you can create a life you love.
Are you IN?
Dan's Programs
Dan's Science of Getting Rich
17-Week Program
Dan's Your Invisible Power
18-Week Program
Testimonials from Dan's Students
Dan's lessons gave me the answers that I was looking for. He answered the questions I had and opened up a whole new world of understanding for me.
Using the Universal Laws was no longer theory. Dan did experiments, demonstrations, and told stories that allowed me to understand exactly what was happening.
If you do not have the life that you want, the health that you want, the wealth that you want, or the relationships that you want, I know Dan has the answers for you, just like he had the answers for me.
If you don't have what you want NOW, you just don't understand.
Brenda Penman
Dan’s lessons are interesting! Intriguing!
He talks about The Law of Attraction and he backs it up with Scientific Experiments. He also discusses how it shows up in our religious books.
Dan is a Real Scientist.
His work opens up a whole new world.
I see everything in a different light because
of my classes with Dan.
Denise Nicola
With Dan, he created
such a clear path for me to understand.
He took those relatively complex concepts,
and really broke them down,
really made them understandable.
The insights and questions he raised on a weekly basis
allowed me to practically take the concepts
and really relate them to my life
in such a meaningful way.
I couldn't have asked for a better teacher
than Dan Matthews.
Shawn Kirbie
Dan presents his lessons in a simple, easy-to-understand way. He uses his scientific background and the laws to relate it to everyday situations.
I highly recommend that you take part in Dan's courses, you will love it.
Liss Amdal
Dan's lessons are always so practical.
He sees things that you didn't even see.
And he explains things in ways
that you will always remember.
I am so grateful for Dan.
He is so amazing!
He has helped me so much.
I have grown so much and I can see the difference.
Joy Johnston
Dan has helped me so much in life.
I met him at the perfect time.
I remember Dan's words from the first conversation with him, "I can see the pieces of a puzzle falling into place from our meeting."
When I look back, I understand what Dan meant.
I was at a point where I was questioning my beliefs about God and if He really existed - on the brink of becoming an atheist.
Dan helped me. He said, "God is your Father and your best friend. He wants to give you anything you desire.
You can communicate with God because you are a person. You are not just a part of creation, but within you, you have all of creation and your ability to create and communicate your ideas to the heart of God."
Dan has helped me to draw closer to God and have a relationship with Him and know that God is within me.
I have learnt so much from Dan. He helped me to understand and apply the universal laws to my life; to listen and love from my heart and not from my mind.
I am in gratitude and appreciation for Dan and the blessing he is.
I look forward to learning more from him as he serves each one of us.
Joy J
I found Dan when I really wanted to improve
my life and raise my awareness.
Dan has a deep understanding of the Laws of the Universe.
He has a fun way of exploring how those laws work
in one's life.
I recommend taking any one of his courses.
He brings classical texts to life.
Marion H
I love how Dan relates Science to the Spiritual Laws. Through Dan I have gained an understanding that I did not have before.
I always leave every lesson with both calmness and certainty.
Janelle Jai
Studying with and learning from Dan Matthews
has been a game-changer.
His background in science and religion
brings the teachings of the science of mind, manifestation, and the works of mystic authors like
Thomas Troward, Neville Goddard, and Genevieve Behrend
to life
making their messages and teachings accessible.
I am able to apply them to my life and goals and because of that, I am leading a richer life in every way.
Janelle Jai
Dan's Awakened Imagination program is World Class!
The website is so professional and easy to use.
The Customer Service went beyond my expectations.
Dan is an amazing teacher. He is so sincere and authentic.
His knowledge coupled with his spirituality was perfect for me.
I now have an irreversible, new neurological pathway
in my brain.
I feel like a different person both physically and spiritually now. A different person because I understand it at a level.
Consideration and professional hard work
went into this course. It is worth the value.
I found Dan when I really wanted to improve
my life and raise my awareness.
Dan has a deep understanding of the Laws of the Universe.
He has a fun way of exploring how those laws work
in one's life.
I recommend taking any one of his courses.
He brings classical texts to life.
Jennifer Casavant
I love Dan's lessons. I love how he explains things. It makes it so easy to understand.
I love how he combines both meditation and learning. Dan's lessons always shift my day in a positive way.
Sarah D
I love Dan's experiments.
He explains Quantum Mechanics, Frequency, Vibration, Quantum Entanglement.
Dan R Matthews' lessons are so powerful. It is almost like he wrote Neville Goddard's book The Power of Awareness. The book came alive during Dan's lessons.
I always walk away from the sessions enriched.
The community is phenomenal. It is easy to be yourself, open up, share and ask questions.
Gary Z
Dan is so connected. It is almost like he has written these books himself.
My understanding has changed so much from Dan's lessons.
I am so grateful for all of Dan's teachings. His teachings have enriched my life so much.
Sheyla Zito
Dan ties the spiritual beliefs to the Scientific World around us.
He gives a clear understanding of how everything operates and how the laws work.
He outlines how to operate in harmony with the laws in order to achieve what we want.
Namhla S
Dan opened my eyes to what is available to me
from a totally different perspective
from what I learned from Bob Proctor.
Dan attaches the Science to what we have already learned
and it is amazing.
Dan surprises us with experiments just to make the point.
I love Dan's community.
Jan L
I enjoy learning with you. I have so many Ah-ha, Spiritual Awakening moments as I study with you.
I am so grateful to study with you. I love your approach. And I look forward to continuing studying with you.
Amer A
I want to give my gratitude and appreciation for taking the course with you - about the Power of Imagination,
an unbelievable topic.
I had massive insights from the course.
Dan's community is all about genuine connection.
I am so happy and grateful to be part of Dan's community.
Amer A